Saturday, June 28, 2008

Never get tired of watching it...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tuesdays are great days because all of the movies come out... I rented Definitely, Maybe even though I saw it in theatre. So tonight, watching my movie and packing clothes. I'm moving back to Clarksville next weekend and I am pretty excited about that... I have a lot of things that have to be moved so thats not really going to be all that fun :(... 

Sunday, June 22, 2008

I enjoy Sundays probably a bit too much; I mean you get to sleep just a tad later, you get to get dressed up and go to church where by the way you get to here some good gossip usually, there is always good food prepared on Sundays and if I wouldn't had forgot my camera at home this morning I could have taken some spactatular pictures, but I did. Sunday is usually my day to go shopping also, but I have recently decided that I don't like going with my mother anymore. Granted I am 20 years old and probably shouldn't go with my mother but I do sometimes still go with her, but after today I'm going to avoid it. I feel like nothing gets accomplished when we do go together, today was better than most days but still I went to get one thing and came back with 4 others things that yes I did need but I wasn't really looking for those things today. Seems petty now that I am writing it, but I just wanted those boxes... haha.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

I stumbled upon an interesting site [ ] and I was curious my answers, and here are according to the lengthy quiz the top 25 places I should live...

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Augusta, Georgia
Nashville, Tennessee
Atlanta, Georgia
Memphis, Tennessee
Cincinnati, Ohio
New York City, New York
Knoxville, Tennessee
Charleston, South Carolina
Long Island, New York
St. Louis, Missouri
Dallas, Texas
Fortworth, Texas
El Paso, Texas
Tampa, Florida
Orlando, Florida
Lexington, Kentucky
Manhattan, New York
Houston, Texas
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Kansas City, Missouri
Jacksonville, Florida
Austin, Texas
Tulsa, Oklahoma

I decided my not liking of freezing my tail feathers off had a lot to do with the results.

I haven't blogged (I don't really like that word for some reason) in a very long time so I decided that I would start over from scratch. In reading a design book from the library I kept running across artists all stating that they use inspiration boards for both projects and their lifes'. They said that putting up images of "stuff" you want in your life will help you achieve it. So, that has been little project for the past few days when I find time (and when the internet works) so create my own kind of inspiration board.
A lot of the images need explaining but they are also kind of private thoughts, too. Things are about to change for me again, I'm moving back to Clarksville for good on July 2nd. I'm excited to be getting back into an apartment where I'll have my own little space just like I did in Indiana. I like the responsibility of living on my own and everything again, like my mother said its time I need to grow up. I had forgotten how much I like writing like this...